About Me
Hi! I'm a junior studying Computer Science at Auburn University. I enjoy software development and programming, especially for game development, where I enjoy game design and feature implementation, among other things. These are some of the projects that I've worked on that showcase my background and skills.
Unreal Engine 5 Projects
- Action RPG Game: A third-person adventure game, featuring an open-world environment, patrolling enemies, and basic sword attack mechanics. This project is heavily based in C++ and showcases many fundamental game development processes.
Ironvale: An ongoing collaborative fantasy action and adventure project in development. My work has included development of enemy AI behavior, including patrolling and responding to stimuli; developing character classes, character swapping, and attack mechanics; and managing replication mechanics for cooperative multiplayer in Unreal Engine 5.
Ironvale Code Sample
Unreal Editor for Fortnite Projects
- Drift Wars: A unique tag experience with cars, where players must pass the bomb to someone else by chasing them down before it explodes, similar to the concept of hot potato. This game was fully designed and created by me, excluding some assets & art.
Farm Tycoon: A tycoon game where players grow their farms to increase their earnings. I primarily completed the programming for this project.
Farm Tycoon Code Sample
Email: s.develops@outlook.com
LinkedIn: Sam Carter